2022 was the last year for Driveway Austin Motorsports Track, which held a lot of fun events including their Time Attack series.

One neat FYI: This track was the track used for media photos to launch the new Toyota Supra A90.

Driveway was brilliantly put together by using a Short Course, Elevation Course, and Grand Prix Course.

L1 (Short Course) focuses on flat surface vehicle dynamics, L2 (Elevation Course) highlights elevation and off-camber and L3 (Grand Prix Course) showcases high-speed dynamics.

Read all of the incredible designs that the Driveway once used to offer (all from their website):

More than just the layout design, the course was engineered from far beneath the surface with deep compacted and chosen soils, a premium grade of base material and an exotic asphalt design that is extremely smooth with exceptional grip. It took over a year to layout, prepare the elevations and soils, cure the base and compress the surface. Driveway Austin is truly a work of art.

Short Course

The Short Course provides the ultimate experience for feeling and learning control of vehicle dynamics. A emulated version of the world famous Fiorano test course at Ferrari, it is designed to express what your vehicle is doing at low to medium speeds so that the driver develops feel. This is the foundation and core of road racing where time is often left on the track and control is lost. This is the circuit we use for our L1-Foundations of Road Racing course which provides the perfect dynamics to learn and master weight transfer and smoothness. At the end of a day on this course, you’ll be saying, “WOW”.

Elevation Course

The Elevation Course is an extension of the Short Course that introduces “extreme elevation changes”.  We have emulated the “corkscrew” from the famous Laguna Seca course in Monterey, California to help master these advanced techniques. These extreme elevation changes add the “Z” axis to your vehicle control tool set. This experience turns up the volume on what you mastered in the “L1-Foundations of Road Racing” course by dynamically changing the effective weight of your vehicle. You will find it hard to come off of this course without a big grin on your face.

Grand Prix Course

The Grand Prix Course is the ultimate experience at Driveway Austin. This is the full course with all of the dynamics rolled into a full experience lap. As an extension to the Short and Elevation Course, it adds the element of speed with a  2500’ straight away that emulates the winding straights of the Nurburgring in Germany and the “dogleg” experience from Imola in Italy. At the end of both straights, a prepared car can reach speeds in excess of 130mph. This circuit is the training ground for mass momentum delay, vehicle degradation at high speeds and most importantly, “driver perception."

You’ll be missed, Driveway!




Super Lap Battle @ COTA 2021